Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Three Day Weekends....

Why do I love three day weekends?  Let me count the ways!




Three ways! 

We were very busy this weekend trying to get all of our projects done that we had to do.  Jack and Mickey had to do the solar system, and Grey had to have "snacks" today.  Phil asked if I was trying to be mom of the year with the snacks...I replied "No, it was in a moment of weakness that Grey and I were looking at Pinterest.  He saw these, and I said the dreaded maybe someday we can do those".  He has not forgotten.  So where I like to pretend I am crafty, I could not do it without the help of my friends and even my hubby!
On Saturday we had a Planet Making Party.  In only 4 short hours (LOL) we knocked out 3 solar systems, 1 large planet and 4 posters.  Way to go Cluver/Applebee Crew!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day

My Funny Little Valentine

So this week of Valentines Day I found out one of my little guys (who I will not say who), has a little "girlfriend"!  He and a few of his friends have made a "pact" they will all have "girlfriends" this week.  OH MY! I am so not ready for this.  How did this happen?

He of course denies it all...