Well so far this blog is working. I started it to share all the crazy things here at the house, but knew that once I did maybe all the crazy would stop. It has been pretty slow around here, so I will give the blog the credit. All my boys are done with school, and that makes it hard to get up every day and go to work.
The older boys did great on their report cards, it always makes me sad to go and get the report cards, just another chapter done.
Greyson has found some new friends. He is caring for about 10 different frogs in our back yard. He truly believes that when they croak out of fear that they are talking to him. They tell him that they are cold, or want to swim. Phil and I think maybe he has had too much sun :)
Mickey is busy realizing that the world around us is a little bigger than just here. We were on "the other side" of Maroa, and he said is this the "suburban" of Maroa. This got us talking about cities, and towns, and such. He is very excited for our trip to New York next week. I am terrified I am going to lose one of my kids there.
Finally, Jack..Jack, Jack. Jack has seemed to become a little full of himself lately. He has always been the overachiever in the family, he works hard, and goes after what he wants. However, when we went to look at his yearbook the other day there were several questions in the back. "What is your favorite song, Who is your best friend, etc" On the question "What is hot" Jack said..Me, Myself, ME! Oh boy...watch out for this one.

Thursday, June 2, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Let me set the scene.
My boys love junk...love collecting junk (don't know where they get it (LOL). Today is the biggest junk day of the year for Maroa...the Maroa Rummage Sales. Out of tradition, we get up early, go get Casey donuts and begin our day of shopping for junk. I kinda think this could have been the first time that Grey really knew what was going on, or that he could have remembered it from the previous year, but he was SO excited.
As I was standing in line, with all three children behind me I hear this couple chuckle behind me. I turn around and Grey has the plastic ring that he took off to open his drink stuck up his nose. He proceeds to pull it out along with a big string of snot. The couple is laughing and the man remarks "You must always be on your toes", and she comments "I don't know how you do it"
As a mom of twins, I have heard this comment many times. I never know how to take it. Is it a compliment? Because usually they say it at a time that I don't feel like I am doing whatever "IT" is very well. Then I wonder how does any mother do "IT"? "IT" is hard for any mama I would imagine. So it just leaves me pondering all day on what "IT" is? And while I ponder I continue to do "IT".
My boys love junk...love collecting junk (don't know where they get it (LOL). Today is the biggest junk day of the year for Maroa...the Maroa Rummage Sales. Out of tradition, we get up early, go get Casey donuts and begin our day of shopping for junk. I kinda think this could have been the first time that Grey really knew what was going on, or that he could have remembered it from the previous year, but he was SO excited.
As I was standing in line, with all three children behind me I hear this couple chuckle behind me. I turn around and Grey has the plastic ring that he took off to open his drink stuck up his nose. He proceeds to pull it out along with a big string of snot. The couple is laughing and the man remarks "You must always be on your toes", and she comments "I don't know how you do it"
As a mom of twins, I have heard this comment many times. I never know how to take it. Is it a compliment? Because usually they say it at a time that I don't feel like I am doing whatever "IT" is very well. Then I wonder how does any mother do "IT"? "IT" is hard for any mama I would imagine. So it just leaves me pondering all day on what "IT" is? And while I ponder I continue to do "IT".
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
You are Going to Live in a What???
This time last year I had a little boy. My… has he grown up. Preschool has been the best thing for Greyson. He has learned to be a friend, to listen for more than five minutes and even to count. I must say (sorry Mrs. Aupperle) he has also learned to speak clearly, and this makes me sad.
Some of you have probably heard the castle story before, but since I am now going on day two without any funny stories (see this blog is working like I wanted it to) I must share the castle story.
One day a girl stole my little guys heart. And I must be honest; I think he thinks they are married now. And if she was not a senior in High School, I don't think I could find anything wrong with her. So hopefully this is showing his taste in women. Well, those of you who live in Maroa know of the big brown castle that is on Wood Street. It is the one for sale. After Grey realized he was in "love" he decided that he and the love were going to live in that castle. He was going to live there with her, and all of her sisters were going to live there also. The sisters were going to cook, and clean, and do the garden and play with him. He was going to sleep and play and eat. BUT this is not the funny part, the funny part is the way he would share the story with EVERYONE he met - from friends, to the cashier at Wal-Mart. I will do my best to recreate.
Anyone Grey would come across: Hello, or Hi or whatever one might say to a cute little 3 year old.
Grey: HI I am Greyson and I am going to live in the big brown $#@hole. (Inset girls name here) is going to live with me, and we will be happy as ever.
You see Grey could not say his "c's" or "g's" "m's" when they started a word. You can imagine how many other words we had problems with!
Gas ($ss), garage (arange), geese (deets) Mickey (Ickey) Caslte (Astle but sounds like...well you get the picture!)
Now I have an almost five year old who says all his words right, and still shares his fairy tale except it is just not as funny. And sometimes, that makes me sad....
Some of you have probably heard the castle story before, but since I am now going on day two without any funny stories (see this blog is working like I wanted it to) I must share the castle story.
One day a girl stole my little guys heart. And I must be honest; I think he thinks they are married now. And if she was not a senior in High School, I don't think I could find anything wrong with her. So hopefully this is showing his taste in women. Well, those of you who live in Maroa know of the big brown castle that is on Wood Street. It is the one for sale. After Grey realized he was in "love" he decided that he and the love were going to live in that castle. He was going to live there with her, and all of her sisters were going to live there also. The sisters were going to cook, and clean, and do the garden and play with him. He was going to sleep and play and eat. BUT this is not the funny part, the funny part is the way he would share the story with EVERYONE he met - from friends, to the cashier at Wal-Mart. I will do my best to recreate.
Anyone Grey would come across: Hello, or Hi or whatever one might say to a cute little 3 year old.
Grey: HI I am Greyson and I am going to live in the big brown $#@hole. (Inset girls name here) is going to live with me, and we will be happy as ever.
You see Grey could not say his "c's" or "g's" "m's" when they started a word. You can imagine how many other words we had problems with!
Gas ($ss), garage (arange), geese (deets) Mickey (Ickey) Caslte (Astle but sounds like...well you get the picture!)
Now I have an almost five year old who says all his words right, and still shares his fairy tale except it is just not as funny. And sometimes, that makes me sad....
Monday, May 9, 2011
Let's Catch Everyone Up
So for those of you new to the Applebee family story let’s get you caught up.
Phil and I are college sweet hearts. We were married in April of 2000. He is a coach/teacher at Maroa Forsyth High School. I am the President of Junior Achievement of East Central Illinois.
On October 10, 1999...yes, I know the exact day-as it changed our lives forever...we were two first time parents who were anxious at our first ultra-sound appointment. I was 25 weeks along, everything was going great. Our doctor had been out of town and I really wanted him to be the one to give us the ultra-sound report. We were not going to find out if it was a boy or girl. We were there, Phil by my side, and the ultra sound tech said "Well, it says you don't want to know what they are...is that right". Phil says "Yes, we don't want to know" I sit up and say "WHAT...they??" She says "Yes, you have two babies in there" Phil says "Two babies?" (And goes on to repeat that about 200 times and that is all he can say) So, we decided with that news, we better get as prepared as we can, and found out that in March we would bring into this world, two baby boys. TWO baby boys.
As we rushed to tell our family, and get everything ready...I may have been doing too much. The day after Christmas, I was rushed to Springfield as I was in labor. Fortunately, they were able to stop the labor, and I was on bed rest for the rest of the duration. On January 31, Baby B (better known as Mickey) was not moving. We did everything we could to get him going. So...we decided to do an emergency C section. He was fine...we kid now that was just Mickey being Mickey. Jack Theodore and Michael William joined us that day. One minute apart. Jack makes sure everyone knows that he is the oldest. Jack stayed with us for a few days, but then went to Springfield for 10 days. He had some minor problems, but we felt blessed that he was going to be okay once his lungs matured a bit more. He got to come home 10 days later, and that is when the fun began. I am sure I will tell you more stories later.
Greyson George entered our world on June 26, 2008. Jack and Mickey were 3, and needless to say were not too overly excited about their new brother. Fortunately, he does not have the exciting baby story the other two do.
Now you need to add into the mix: One cat, Ozzie (12 years old has been with us through it all), One bulldog (Bonnie who is the girl I never had), Cooper (a 6 month old German Shepherd who weighs 80- pounds and has more energy than anything I know of), Cody (a lizard who was purchased under a moment of mama guilt), Perry (a turtle who was bought at another moment of mama guilt) and 2 fish, and 2 frogs (I don't know their names as I replace them as needed so Grey does not cry).
So now, you are at least caught up on how we became a family. I will now keep you up to date with the stories of raising 3 boys....
Phil and I are college sweet hearts. We were married in April of 2000. He is a coach/teacher at Maroa Forsyth High School. I am the President of Junior Achievement of East Central Illinois.
On October 10, 1999...yes, I know the exact day-as it changed our lives forever...we were two first time parents who were anxious at our first ultra-sound appointment. I was 25 weeks along, everything was going great. Our doctor had been out of town and I really wanted him to be the one to give us the ultra-sound report. We were not going to find out if it was a boy or girl. We were there, Phil by my side, and the ultra sound tech said "Well, it says you don't want to know what they are...is that right". Phil says "Yes, we don't want to know" I sit up and say "WHAT...they??" She says "Yes, you have two babies in there" Phil says "Two babies?" (And goes on to repeat that about 200 times and that is all he can say) So, we decided with that news, we better get as prepared as we can, and found out that in March we would bring into this world, two baby boys. TWO baby boys.
As we rushed to tell our family, and get everything ready...I may have been doing too much. The day after Christmas, I was rushed to Springfield as I was in labor. Fortunately, they were able to stop the labor, and I was on bed rest for the rest of the duration. On January 31, Baby B (better known as Mickey) was not moving. We did everything we could to get him going. So...we decided to do an emergency C section. He was fine...we kid now that was just Mickey being Mickey. Jack Theodore and Michael William joined us that day. One minute apart. Jack makes sure everyone knows that he is the oldest. Jack stayed with us for a few days, but then went to Springfield for 10 days. He had some minor problems, but we felt blessed that he was going to be okay once his lungs matured a bit more. He got to come home 10 days later, and that is when the fun began. I am sure I will tell you more stories later.
Greyson George entered our world on June 26, 2008. Jack and Mickey were 3, and needless to say were not too overly excited about their new brother. Fortunately, he does not have the exciting baby story the other two do.
Now you need to add into the mix: One cat, Ozzie (12 years old has been with us through it all), One bulldog (Bonnie who is the girl I never had), Cooper (a 6 month old German Shepherd who weighs 80- pounds and has more energy than anything I know of), Cody (a lizard who was purchased under a moment of mama guilt), Perry (a turtle who was bought at another moment of mama guilt) and 2 fish, and 2 frogs (I don't know their names as I replace them as needed so Grey does not cry).
So now, you are at least caught up on how we became a family. I will now keep you up to date with the stories of raising 3 boys....
Let's give it a try....
So many of you have said over and over, I need to write a book or have a tv show about the everyday life at the Applebee house. After last week (a trip to the er for Jack, Grey giving a friend a hair cut at school and Mickey throwing spit wods -sp?- at Sunday school) I figured I need some where to keep track of all of our life’s journeys.
In all reality, I am hoping that if I find an outlet to tell you all about it...MAYBE, just MAYBE all the craziness will stop and I won't have anything to write about.
First off, I want to you all to know that on the technology side of life I may be a bit behind. So please bear with me as I try to figure this all out. I hope to get some pictures and such up soon.
I am naming our blog the Apple's Nest. Many of you know my husband of 11 years is a coach. My mom told me not to marry a coach...and what do I do. Because of this we have had many people in our lives that we probably would not have had the opportunity to have otherwise. These people have helped us so much along the way. From the students who started calling him "Apple" about 10 years ago, to the parents who sit with me on the sidelines and help me keep the kids (and sometimes the dogs) in line. These people have helped raise my children, and have always helped us along the way. That is the Apple part.
The nest part comes from my love for birds. Where did this love come from? It comes from the knowledge that my Aunt Karen (who recently passed away and was a huge part of my life), and Uncle David instilled in Mickey at a young age. He has loved birds since he was two. He used to carry around a field guide with him everywhere, and still does on occasion. But because of his love, this mother has had to begin to love, and know about EVERY single kind of bird. This has-to-knowledge has become a love. I love to watch them, I love how the mothers care for their babies, I love how they teach them how to fly and then have to watch them go. These momma birds give their babies everything they need to make it in the world while the babies are in the nest. I hope that while my babies are in their nest, they are getting all they need. That is the nest part.
So I hope you enjoy, I hope you laugh, and I pray you may have some sort of advice for this crazy Apple's Nest...
In all reality, I am hoping that if I find an outlet to tell you all about it...MAYBE, just MAYBE all the craziness will stop and I won't have anything to write about.
First off, I want to you all to know that on the technology side of life I may be a bit behind. So please bear with me as I try to figure this all out. I hope to get some pictures and such up soon.
I am naming our blog the Apple's Nest. Many of you know my husband of 11 years is a coach. My mom told me not to marry a coach...and what do I do. Because of this we have had many people in our lives that we probably would not have had the opportunity to have otherwise. These people have helped us so much along the way. From the students who started calling him "Apple" about 10 years ago, to the parents who sit with me on the sidelines and help me keep the kids (and sometimes the dogs) in line. These people have helped raise my children, and have always helped us along the way. That is the Apple part.
The nest part comes from my love for birds. Where did this love come from? It comes from the knowledge that my Aunt Karen (who recently passed away and was a huge part of my life), and Uncle David instilled in Mickey at a young age. He has loved birds since he was two. He used to carry around a field guide with him everywhere, and still does on occasion. But because of his love, this mother has had to begin to love, and know about EVERY single kind of bird. This has-to-knowledge has become a love. I love to watch them, I love how the mothers care for their babies, I love how they teach them how to fly and then have to watch them go. These momma birds give their babies everything they need to make it in the world while the babies are in the nest. I hope that while my babies are in their nest, they are getting all they need. That is the nest part.
So I hope you enjoy, I hope you laugh, and I pray you may have some sort of advice for this crazy Apple's Nest...
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