So many of you have said over and over, I need to write a book or have a tv show about the everyday life at the Applebee house. After last week (a trip to the er for Jack, Grey giving a friend a hair cut at school and Mickey throwing spit wods -sp?- at Sunday school) I figured I need some where to keep track of all of our life’s journeys.
In all reality, I am hoping that if I find an outlet to tell you all about it...MAYBE, just MAYBE all the craziness will stop and I won't have anything to write about.
First off, I want to you all to know that on the technology side of life I may be a bit behind. So please bear with me as I try to figure this all out. I hope to get some pictures and such up soon.
I am naming our blog the Apple's Nest. Many of you know my husband of 11 years is a coach. My mom told me not to marry a coach...and what do I do. Because of this we have had many people in our lives that we probably would not have had the opportunity to have otherwise. These people have helped us so much along the way. From the students who started calling him "Apple" about 10 years ago, to the parents who sit with me on the sidelines and help me keep the kids (and sometimes the dogs) in line. These people have helped raise my children, and have always helped us along the way. That is the Apple part.
The nest part comes from my love for birds. Where did this love come from? It comes from the knowledge that my Aunt Karen (who recently passed away and was a huge part of my life), and Uncle David instilled in Mickey at a young age. He has loved birds since he was two. He used to carry around a field guide with him everywhere, and still does on occasion. But because of his love, this mother has had to begin to love, and know about EVERY single kind of bird. This has-to-knowledge has become a love. I love to watch them, I love how the mothers care for their babies, I love how they teach them how to fly and then have to watch them go. These momma birds give their babies everything they need to make it in the world while the babies are in the nest. I hope that while my babies are in their nest, they are getting all they need. That is the nest part.
So I hope you enjoy, I hope you laugh, and I pray you may have some sort of advice for this crazy Apple's Nest...
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