Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Jack Theodore Applebee

1.        Your passion for life.
You soak in everything.  It amazes me to see how you have to try everything just once.  However, there may be a few questions before.  How every emotion shows on your face.  There is no denying when you are happy , your eyes sparkle- when you are mad those lines come out on your head (good thing you are not a girl…may be some wrinkles latter on!)
2.        Your kindness for others.
Being the oldest is never an easy thing to do.  But you do such a good job with it.  You help your brothers and teach them.  You genuinely care about how others feel.
3.        Your ability to lead.
Not just at home, but with your friends.  You have this presence about you.  But be cautious because with that comes great responsibility (or something like that right?).
4.        Your dedication and determination to do things right (and win).
In this aspect you are your father.  You are everything about your dad , that I fell in love with.  Such determination and strength.  I never second guess when either of you put your mind to something that it will get done.  Now on the same note, if you don’t win…yikes (it was probably someone else’s fault J!)
I remember when you were born, and so sick.  You fought against every odd they gave you.  You continue to do that today.
5.        Your freckles…each and every one of them.
6.        How you look out for me.
Not every 9 year old kid is worried about their mama.  You do.  You want to know if I am ok, how my day was.  This makes me happy.
7.       Sentimental
WOW, that is an understatement.  I remember when we got rid of the grill we had not used for over a year.  You cried and cried, I had to go out at 10 PM to take a picture.  You get so attached to things, your love and loyalty runs deep.
8.        Responsibility
As the oldest you have always taken care of your brothers, even when you don’t want to.  I hear “Mick-KEY” in my sleep, as you tell him 100 times to do something.  But also even when you were babies you would be the one pushing him on the bike, or holding on to him.  Now with Grey, who looks up to you so much, you help him with his meal, his games, and everything else.
9.        YOU
You are you and there is no one else in the world like you.  You amaze me every day.  Every day I thank GOD for allowing me to be your mama!

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